July 2015 Horoscope – Libra


In July, the focus for Libra is on your life aspirations and ambitions, your career and your public life. You will find yourself less at home and more on the road for work or things related to your career and ambitions. The Sun is entering the last quarter where you actively employ and use the experiences and knowledge you have gathered in the past nine months while the Sun has travelled through each sector of your life. This last quarter is where you get to operate and use your experiences and let the world see who you are!Mars is in the same sector and so you will find that your career is revved up and that you’re full of energy and on the go. Higher ups will be noticing you, your passion, and your hard work. You have been communicating quite a bit lately with people at a distance, or even travelling for business into the first week of July. Mercury will then be focused on your work and if you are in a career where you communicate and write, you will find that you are receiving plenty of calls for work. If it’s a full-time job, you will receive a lot of new projects and may be attending a lot of meetings to discuss future plans. If you’re a freelancer, your phone will be ringing off the hook and your email filling up with requests for work to be done.

Venus will begin the month in your 11th house of friendships and associations, and you will find that your friends are very supportive of you during this time. You will receive love, and feel a sense of harmony and togetherness with your friends and the groups you associate with. You will probably hear or get together with them before she moves on to your 12th house where you will seek more solitude in order to think.

Venus and Uranus are retrograding this month, joining Saturn and Pluto. Retrograde periods sound bad but only because Mercury retrogrades affect us so strongly. As with all retrogrades, they ask us to rewind, review, and reassess the area in which it is slowing down or the matters concerned.

Venus is your ruler so you will feel the influence of this retrograde more acutely than most. Venus is retrograding in Virgo in your 12th house of secrets, sacrifice or surrendering, your inner and creative source, and all those things that have been swept under the rug for another day. It is also the house of unconscious desires, especially the ones that were repressed when you were younger, for example by your parents, the education system, authority figures, religion and society. This is the time, until September 6, when you will reconnect to your source, surrender to that higher power and you will be asking yourself questions about what you really want out of life, whether you are ready to surrender to your higher source and let faith carry your forward. If you are ready to deal with those things you shoved away for another day, this is the time to take those things back out and face them.

Uranus is retrograding in your 7th house of relationships, marriage, partnerships and contracts. Uranus has been causing a bit of upheaval in this house for you since 2011. If you weren’t going through a tough time, it is your partner that has been going through it and is dealing with it, and by proxy you and your partnership are affected by it. With Uranus in retrograde, you may feel these disruptions more acutely than when it is in forward motion. Since it lasts almost 6 months, in order for you to deal with these surprises, you need to keep your ties and contracts open ended and fluid. Try not to get into any sort of contract that will tie you down.

The month of July for Libra is about action, about discipline and structure, about your public life (the life outside your home), and about giving and giving back. It is about action taken toward your ambitions. It is about giving back to society through your hard work, and contributing or being of service to the public and the world.

July 1-5. Ineraction with your friendships and associations, your Self, your current mission or goal, your career, your partner and/or close relatonships.You begin this week on a high note with Venus and Jupiter in your house of your social circles, your personal objectives, friendships, associations, and future possibilities. If you have any personal dreams, this influence brings lots of influence to you for the next two weeks as it just happens to fall on a full moon. As one door closes another will open for you that will lead you closer to your hopes and wishes. Your friends will be supportive and full of wisdom.

You will find that your passionate and go go go energy are being expended on your ambitions and career and the attention that you need to pay to your Self and your own personal growth may become challenging. You must learn to replenish your Self and your needs in order to keep the balance. It’s all about balance! Your partner or people close to you will be part of the discussion with regard to your career and one of two unconventional or unique ideas may come out of these discussions. The only challenge that I can see this week is that you may lose track of your own unique creative expression because someone else is telling you what they like and you night respond to this by indulging them.

July 1. (Venus-11/Jupiter-11) The planet of love is holding hands with the planet of abundance in your house of friends, your social life, and your future potential. Be ready to receive or hear some fantastic news from your friends.

July 1. (Mars-10/North Node-1) Activity in your career sector will work hand-in-hand with your current mission in your 1st house of the Self, the ego, and how you present yourself to others and to the world.
July 3. (Mercury-9/Uranus-7) There may be some disruption or excitement coming from your house of partnership and marriage that is connected to travel, moving, or that will bring you faith and a new lease on your outlook. You are open to new understanding, ideas, and events.
July 4. (Mercury-9/Jupiter-11) You will definitely be hearing from your friends or groups you associate with and sharing ideas, thoughts and plans with them. 
July 5-6. (Moon-6/Jupiter-11) There will be some opposition felt in the early part of the day until the Moon journeys away to your 6th house: a feeling of being caught in the middle of your own individual creative expression and resourcefulness, and that of the group to which you contribute. The line may feel blurred between what is yours and what is theirs. It is only temporary as your Moon enters your house of your service to others midway through the morning and you will shift your attention to these matters.
(Mercury-9/Venus-11) You will probably receive news, information or ideas from friends who are living at a distance from you. This will be in the form of good news or relevant information to lead you closer to your future personal plans. You will be open to these new ideas as they will touch upon skills you already have and are comfortable with.
July 6-12. Interaction between your career, you home and family dynamic, your current mission or goal, your partner or close relationships, and your material security.You will be at odds this week between matters taking place in your public life in contrast with things happening in your private life. You will feel divided between the two and will find it a challenge to balance those two areas. Look to your Self, your needs and those of your partner and close relationships to find a way to release that inner tension.

Your emotions will also be divided when it comes to your current mission and lessons to your Self and your needs. The needs of your partner or your close relationships will pull for you to be attentive to them and this will create a challenge for you. Your career and ambitions will also create some inner tension as it vies for your attention as well. This week, you’ll almost be wondering out loud, “What about me?”

July 6-7. (Sun-10/Pluto-4) The week begins with a feeling of division and uncertainty between your house of authority and your home or family dynamic. There may be some provocation within the family dynamic that brings a challenge to your relationships, and most likely will come from a parent or parental figure.
July 8. (Moon-7/North Node-1) You will also feel this division and contradiction between your partnerships and your “ego”, that which you protect within yourself, most likely as a result of the previous days’ antagonistic influence. If the parent in question is an ‘in-law’ this will most likely be where the feelings of resentment are directed at.
July 10. (Moon-8/Mercury-10) Luckily the Moon is transitory and after the antagonistic feelings that rose to the surface this week, you can now direct your attention again to your career and ambitions. You will feel good about your ideas, thoughts and plans contributing to your ambitions.
July 11. (Mercury-10/North Node-1) Some of those ideas coming from those in authority may not be congruent to your current mission toward self-growth and you may feel its divergent energy. You will have the drive to overcome this challenge to bring it back to your Self and make it work for you. This will alleviate the tension that arises within you.
July 13-19. Interaction between your career and ambition, material security, your unconscious desires, your home and family dynamic.This week you will notice that the interaction between your career and your life aspirations will be at odds with your personal goals and your plans for material security. Your career and work is taking precedence and your home life may suffer from all this attention that you are paying to it. It might be a case of taking advantage of the fire while it’s hot but at the cost of not spending time with your family. You’re focused on gaining some leverage on your material security so if you don’t take advantage of all this work coming your way, you may lose out. The stress and inner tension is not coming from anyone else but you. You may also feel that you don’t have enough time or energy to help out a partner or spouse and that may bother you very deep down inside. You are stressed and are nervous regarding your work, career, and the ability to secure yourself financially. By the end of the week, you may find the solution to releasing your inner tension if you listen to your inner voice and listen for the answers.

July 13-14. (Sun-10/Uranus-7) Your ambitions (or an authority figure) will cause inner friction in your partnerships or close relationships or vice versa. It may not be apparent on the outside but you will react to this surprising development.

July 13-17. (Venus-12/Saturn-2) Saturn has been in retrograde motion since March but recently re-entered Scorpio on June 14. You will experience similar lessons to those of the past 2-3 years before Saturn took its leave to Sagittarius and your 3rd house in December 2014. You may get the jitters the next couple of days with matters that are connected to your ambitions and career and your material security. Repressed unconscious desires or hidden parts of your inner consciousness will rise to the surface under this influence.
July 15-17. ((Mars-10/Pluto-4) You will feel a similar opposition or division that you felt on the 6th and 7th, where a hostile challenge or power struggle will ensue from the family dynamic. The new moon in your house of career and ambitions. Begin new activity or goal that will lead you closer to your dreams.
July 16. (Sun-10/Moon-10) Your focus is on your career and life aspirations, and you feel good about your decisions, plans and forward movement. This is a perfect harmony between yin and yang energies. You may have the support of a higher up and this will give you the encouragement you need.
(Mercury-10/Mars-10) With the drive you have had in the area of career, authority and life aspirations, you are in a go-getter sort of mood this month, and with the merging of Mercury on this day, your ideas will gain traction and you will be able to tangibly see the results of your actions.
(Mercury-10/Pluto-4) At the same time, there will be a power struggle felt from your home or the family dynamic. Do your ambitions or your ideas regarding your career present a challenge to your family? You may have difficulty separating what you know is yours from what your family thinks is theirs to control.
July 19. (Moon-12/Venus-12) Both the Moon and Venus are now in your house of hidden matters. You will look within yourself and you will get the answers that you need to deal with the challenges you seem to be facing these days.
(Mercury-10/Uranus-7) You are striving and planning for life goals and ambitions that may be causing some distress in your partnership, marriage, or close relationships. Conversely, changes and disruptions in your partnerships are causing you inner tension and challenges to move forward toward your own aspirations. There may be too much distraction in your life. If you focus and set about disciplining yourself, you should be able to relieve some of this stress.
July 20-26. Interaction with your career and ambitions, your material security, your partnerships or spouse, and your current mission.This last full week of July will bring some more positive vibrations than you experienced last week. Things are looking better this week in career matters and personal financial security. You may have to watch your spending regardless but you will be on a much better path this week mentally.

Look to your routine, day-to-day activity and physical health to balance this dynamic in your life. Discipline and not pushing yourself too hard will take you further and closer to your goals.

Your ideas and plans at work are being well-received and higher ups or those in authority will notice your devotion. Partners, your spouse or those close to you will be the only challenge you have to contend with this week.

A partner, personal or business, may not be on board with all your ideas and they may be digging in their heels as a result.  Look to your self-interests and go back to your founding principles for help to act upon these challenges and to release these diverging energies.

Mercury in the 10th will hone in on the structure you need to present yourself and create the life you wish to lead. This is pertinent to the quality of life you wish to build for yourself.

Venus and Uranus turn retrograde this week and within these two areas you will feel this influence as aspects are most clearly felt at the book ends of their path.

July 21-22. (Sun-10/Saturn-2) The focus upon your ambitions are supported by Saturn’s emphasis on your material security. Your ambitions feed directly into your need to stabilize and solidify your financial security and future.
July 23-24. (Sun-11/Mercury-10) Your focus will shift to your social circles, friends and groups. This is where you will find support during the latter part of this month and into August. You are still full of ideas and plans for your future and your friends will be there to help and support you.
July 23. (Mercury-10/Saturn-2) Even though the Sun is ready to move on from shining its spotlight on your career and ambitions, Mercury is still there holding the reins to further your ideas and plans. Saturn in your 2nd will guide you to make the right decisions that will stabilize your financial situation and security. Your feelings of self-worth will be elevated as a result.
July 24-26. (Mars-10/Uranus-7) There are still unpredictable developments and unexpected circumstances within the dynamic of your partnership(s) or marriage that will cause tension or a challenge toward your ambitions.
July 25. (Mercury-10/North Node-1) Your current mission is to your 1st house of Self, image and your presentation and focusing on this will bring you rewards and opportunities.
July 26-27. (Sun-11/North Node-1) Your friends will support you in your current path that pulls you to your future. Your Self, image and what you stand for and what matters to you is what you should be working on and this direction will bring you the rewards and opportunities you seek.
July 27-31. Interactions with your current mission or goal, your home and private life, your friendships, and your financial or material security.This last week of July ends on a tense note between your private life and your needs. You will want to concentrate on your Self and your needs but your family may demand your attention.

If you are not ‘doing’ what your family thinks you should be doing, this is where you will notice the tension arising from and within yourself. This is the time for you to make sure that the road you’re on is the one that you want for yourself, not anyone else.

There will be a division of emotions within yourself between what you would like to expand upon and the restrictions placed on your to structure your financial plans and security. If there are any holes or cracks in the structure that Saturn spent so much time building and putting into place during the previous 2-3 years, this will resurface and you will get your lesson again to make sure that you keep to the discipline and formation that keeps your pocketbook balanced.

The Moon sends positive reflective vibrations to Jupiter and you should sense a moment of gratitude for all the good things in your life.
July 29. (Moon-4/North Node-1) There will be some inner tension within the family dynamic regarding the focus you have been placing on yourself. Perhaps some of these family members think you are being selfish and self-centred. These divergent energies must not detract you from your purpose and to your building a stronger foundation for your future by believing in yourself.
July 30-31. (Jupiter-11/Saturn-2) The main opposition you will feel with this combination is the challenge of being pulled in two directions — Jupiter, the planet of expansion and Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitations. You may be expanding your circle of friends and activities but Saturn wants you to be careful of how much you spend in order to keep these social activities on your calendar.This influence is one that can be relieved by being active and releasing your inner stress.

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